A new start, and a new site!


By Kars

18 Oct 2023

After a lot of work and long conversations, we are happy to announce the release ofRedact Tools!We are a new development team specializing in new and intuative tools to help you with growing your community.


At our base, we a small team of freelance developers and designers, simply trying to get out name out there! We are always looking for new opportunities and chances to increase our portfolio. We strive to ensure we makeEfficiant and simpleproducts and services that can be easily setup and used by anyone. Now, for a real question. What do we do?

Well, it's kind of a mix of whatever we feel like. Sometimes we make discord bots and tools and sometimes we make" websites and games. "It depends on the developers skillset and prefered technology.

What you can expect from us.

Since our creation, we have already started to work on some of our projects which will be announced soon, but as of right now, you can expect us to make things along the lines of

  • Discord bots and tools.
  • Designs and UI concepts.
  • Website templates.
  • NPM packages and scripts.

Please rember we are just a small team of developers working for free simply trying to make good products for our communities and updates/new releases might not be that consistant but we try out best!

If you read through all of this thank you. We hope you enjoyed our website and our products. If you have any questions feel free to contact at our emailsupport@redact.toolsand we'll get back to you asap. Thank you!

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